
Showing posts from 2017

How I Edit My Podcast.

Its taken me years of trial and error to get the quality I like for my podcast.  I wanted to make a post to share with friends who are curious and to hopefully save people the long road of figuring it out on your own.  Our show is recorded a little differently than most Skype shows.  Instead of one person recording the Skype call, both parties record themselves alone, then I put the two tracks together in post.  This takes away the reliance on a quality Skype connection.  After we record, I import the tracks into Audacity and line them up.  I then run a series of filters to remove background noise, and match the levels of the (obviously) differently recorded tracks.  The following is the best method I've figured out so far through practice and youtube videos, I'm sure there's more that could be done, but this works for us. 1. Normalize.  Select both/all tracks (Ctrl A), then select Normalize under the Effect on the toolbar.  This...